Miranda Lambert is a renowned country music superstar and gifted songwriter who started her career in local Texas bars and released her self-titled debut album independently in 2001. After paying her dues on the...
Lavonna “Shorty” Koger is an Oklahoma native with over 40 years of experience in restoration, fitting, sewing, and design of cowboy hats. A former rodeo contestant, she is now one...
Artist Pop Chalee was known for her influential and stylized depictions of forest scenes and wildlife, with graceful paintings of deer and horses. Chalee devoted herself to a flat, two-dimensional...
Lari Dee Guy has won 11-consecutive AJRA world roping titles beginning at age nine. She is an eight-time Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) World Champion with more than $1.5 million...
Kathryn Kusner is an American equestrian and Olympic medalist in show jumping. She was one of the first women who rode for the United States Equestrian Team (USET) and the...
Rear Adm. (ret.) Alvarado Shanahan is a registered nurse and holds a Masters of Health Care Administration from the University of North Carolina. She has worked in the clinical areas...
From her early days working with Richard Avedon on his American West project, to her current interest in documenting the work of mountain lion hunters in Arizona, Laura Wilson's photographic...