Eleanor’s life epitomized that of the strong, independent Western woman. The daughter of wealthy Pittsburgh artists, Eleanor was enthused with life in the West as a teenager. She became a...
A rider from early on, Jerry’s skill on a horse carried her far from her hometown of Seymour, Texas. Her trick riding and roping landed her jobs as a Pangburn...
A fourth-generation rancher, Gretchen continued her family tradition as owner and operator of the Chase Ranch. Born to be a ranch woman, she attended college, then taught school while managing...
Juanita, whose trick riding and trick roping brought her fame throughout the U.S., did not see a rodeo until the age of twenty, when she joined her mother in the...
Bernice was one of the most versatile Wild West and rodeo performers. Her act included singing and dancing, trick riding, trick shooting, knife throwing, tricks with Mexican maguey ropes and...
Willa’s sensitivity to her surroundings appeared repeatedly in her stories and books. Raised on the edge of the western frontier, she wrote with a passion and clarity grounded in her...