The daughter of a rodeo clown, Karen began trick riding at age ten and started a seventeen-year career. She was instrumental in forming “The Flying Cimarrons,” a group that brought...
Fannie took a lifelong fascination with horses and turned it into a rodeo career that included winning the title of World Champion bronc rider and headlining as a sharpshooter. Before...
For a decade, Tad was known as the world’s best female rodeo performer. The youngest of 24 children, Tad made her professional debut in 1917. She moved to Fort Worth...
Enid was the daughter of legendary boot maker H.J. Justin. When her father died and Justin Boot Company moved to Fort Worth, she decided to remain in her hometown and...
Margie began her rodeo career in 1929 with Jack King’s Wild West Rodeo. Growing up on a working ranch where she and her seven siblings learned to ride and rope...
The 150-year-old Harper Ranch was home for Wanda. There, like her ancestors, she raised livestock and trains horses. Instrumental in the organization of the GRA, Wanda was one of its...
Faye started her career as a movie stuntwoman standing in for many female movie stars. She learned to trick ride and rope, put together an act with her brothers, and...