Known to her audiences as “Baby Lorraine,” she began her riding career at four, performing trick riding on her pony. Lorraine was the star attraction in the Graham Company, a...
While Dessie Sawyer was National Democratic Committee Woman and New Mexico’s best-known political figure for years, she was first and foremost a rancher. She and her husband U.D. moved onto...
Called “the most versatile cowgirl in the history of the GRA,” Sue won eleven World titles as all-around cowgirl, calf roper, ribbon roper, bareback rider, and bull rider. Sue actively...
Born Esther Pariseau, Mother Joseph made monumental contributions to health care, education, and social projects throughout the Northwest. The daughter of a French-Canadian carriage maker, she joined the Sisters of...
Billie set a then-unprecedented record by winning the title of World Champion GRA Barrel Racer for four consecutive years beginning in 1955. She and her sister began barrel racing after...
Goldia became a world famous trick rider after seeing her first Wild West show at seventeen. She made a deal with Curly Griffith to teach her trick riding in exchange...
In 1968, Ann became the youngest Barrel Racing Champion in WPRA history. Ann began running barrels before she started kindergarten, placing in her first open when she was five. Ann...
Sabra’s artistic talent captures the history of the West and ranching on canvas, using knowledge acquired from growing up on a southwestern New Mexico ranch. Her early critics were the...
Tall and athletic, Bonnie is best remembered for her amazing stunts and trick riding. Allegedly the first woman to perform the “under the belly crawl” on a horse, she also...
Pamela grew up in California and began sculpting as a way to provide therapy for handicapped children. After learning bronze casting, she combined it with her love of history and...