Since the publication of her first article in 1958, Jane Pattie harnessed her passion for the American West as an accomplished freelance writer and photographer who authored more than 3,000...
Dr. May Owen committed to a career in medicine at the age of nine when she discovered her true passion was helping others. Her first patients were animals on her...
Tasty traditions have always been served up in Jean Cates and Sue Cunningham’s family. Born in Turkey, Texas, the sisters learned what it meant to be real cowboy cooks thanks...
Tasty traditions have always been served up in Jean Cates and Sue Cunningham’s family. Born in Turkey, Texas, the sisters learned what it meant to be real cowboy cooks thanks...
Ranched near Austin, was a pioneer in breaking the barrier into what had always been considered a man’s world: cattle trading. Legend has it that she was one of the...
The 2012 Women’s Professional Rodeo Association World Champion barrel racer, is a Texas native who showed determination and tremendous strength after overcoming a life-shattering tragedy and a debilitating injury. After...
Dr. Eleanor M. Green, Professor Emerita & Dean Emerita of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University. Recently named Founding Dean of the Lyon College School of Veterinary Medicine, she also...
Barbra Schulte is a respected author, trainer, and clinician who has had a lifetime involvement with horses. Growing up on a ranch, Schulte helped market and show her family’s horses...
Mildred Farris is an esteemed leader throughout the sport of rodeo. As a competitor, Farris was Texas Barrel Racing Association’s champion barrel racer from 1955-1957, she earned a qualification twelve...
Anna Martin was the first female bank founder and president in the United States. An immigrant from Germany at 15, and widowed at 36, Martin owned a town store, and...