Miranda Lambert is a renowned country music superstar and gifted songwriter who started her career in local Texas bars and released her self-titled debut album independently in 2001. After paying her dues on the...
Lari Dee Guy has won 11-consecutive AJRA world roping titles beginning at age nine. She is an eight-time Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) World Champion with more than $1.5 million...
From her early days working with Richard Avedon on his American West project, to her current interest in documenting the work of mountain lion hunters in Arizona, Laura Wilson's photographic...
A businesswoman from an early age, Stacie opened and ran a franchise of 32 fitness centers across Texas and Florida by the age of 22. She is currently CEO of...
A true cowgirl, Janell Kleberg has been involved with all aspects of ranch work, from breaking, training and showing horses with her husband to working cattle on properties in Texas,...
Dickens has dedicated her life to helping others, pioneering the use of horses to facilitate healing – both emotional and physical – in children and adults alike. As a young...
Frances Rosenthal Kallison was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but spent most of her adult life in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband at their Diamond K Ranch and general...
Since the publication of her first article in 1958, Jane Pattie harnessed her passion for the American West as an accomplished freelance writer and photographer who authored more than 3,000...