Kay Whittaker Young has been riding her entire life; she began competing at the professional level at age twelve. A member of several organizations, Young has sat on the board of Barrel Futurities of America since its inception. Additionally, Kay served as vice president and president of the GRA/WPRA. As president she promoted barrel racing to rodeo committees and sought to gain its recognition as a standard event, and also lobbied for increased purses.
Young made seven trips to the National Finals Rodeo and competed on five horses at the finals. She has held barrel racing clinics throughout the United States and Brazil. Annually, Young works with and trains more than 75 horses on her ranch in Overbrook, Oklahoma. A true testament to Kay’s dedication, she insists on riding each horse in every clinic she hosts. In the barrel racing industry, she is known not only for her countless awards and titles, but also for her passion for the sport, her patience in training, and her role as a mentor to many women.